When I ran the Savage Colonial Gothic game, I included a headless horseman, not the original one but one created by evil forces after the PCs killed him. I figured the irony would be sweet!
Unfortunately, he never came on the scene as the campaign fizzled before his grand appearance. Oh, well. I'll have another chance at this headless rider at some point.
Headless Horseman (WC)
Agility d8 Spirit d12 Smarts d8 Strength d10 Vigor d6
Pace 6 Parry 8 Toughness 9 Charisma -0-
Edges: Ghost Warrior, Improved Block, Fearless, Alertness
Hindrances: Mean, Vengeful
Skills: Fighting d12, Riding d12, Stealth d8, Notice d8+2, Intimidation d12.
Equipment: Sword, Str + d8
The Horseman's Horse
Agility d6 Spirit d6 Smarts d4(A) Strength d12+3 Vigor d8
Pace 8 Parry 6 Toughness 10
Edges: Ghost Warrior, Fleet-footed, Size +3, Sturdy, Calm
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8+2, Notice d6
Kick, Str + d6
So be safe, don't eat too much candy (I always do), avoid too many nasty tricks and don't lose your head.
matt, email me at tenkarsDOTtavernATgmailDOTcom. Have a trick or treat for you ;)
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