Monday, April 11, 2011

[D20] J is for Jail

While the four main towns in the Ashford Valley have dungeons (usually in the castle of the lord of the town), the smaller communities usually have lock-up. Most turn out to be root cellars or a covered pit. A few, however, are actual jail structures, with small cells, locking doors and a guard.

There are a lot of different adventures that can revolve around a jail, especially a country jail - escape, rescue, even guard duty. In the more insular communities, like the hill-folk, getting jailed is par for the course for "damn ferriners." If that won't lead to some sort of conflict, I don't know what would.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, G is for "Gaol"

    "gaol | gaoler, n. : variant spellings of jail n., jailer n. In British official use the forms with G are still current; in literary and journalistic use both the G and the J forms are now admitted as correct; in the U.S. the J forms are standard."

    From: gaol | gaoler, n.
    Second edition, 1989; online version March 2011. ; accessed 12 April 2011. Earlier version first published in New English Dictionary, 1898.


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