Savage Worlds:
Smiling Shotgun Girl (WC)
Novice + 10 XP
Agility d6 Smarts d8 Spirit d8 Strength d6 Vigor d6
Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 5 Charisma -0-
Hindrances: Enemy, Bad Sight.
Edges: Common Bond, Hard to Kill.
Skills: Shooting d6, Fighting d6, Knowledge (Battle) d4, Driving d6, Intimidation d4, Persuasion d6, Taunt d6, Healing d6, Repair d6.
Equipment: street clothes.
Shotgun (pump action, 12ga, 12/24/48, 1-3d6, RoF1, 8#, shots: 6, see SWEX notes), extra ammo (including slugs and buckshot).
Microlite20 Modern:
Smiling Shotgun Girl
STR 10 (-), DEX 12 (+1), MIND 14 (+2)
Smart Hero, Level 2, HP 16
Student background
Melee: +2, Missile: +3
Physical +3*, Subterfuge +3*, Knowledge +6*, Communication +3*
* includes human bonus (+1 to all skill rolls)
Equipment: street clothes.
Shotgun (2d8, RoF S, shots: 6 int), extra ammo (including slugs and buckshot).
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