"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. " -- Mark Twain
While not technically a monster, a large (and fast) dog is still a danger to most people. I used this dog in my Savage Colonial Gothic game to good effect. He's tough, fast and packs a nice bite!
Quick, Large and Angry Dog (Wild Card)
Agility d8 Spirit d6 Smarts d4 (A) Strength d8 Vigor d6
Pace 8 Parry 4 Toughness 7
Edges: Berserk, Alertness, Brawny, Quick, Thick Hide
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Loyal
Skills: Fighting d8, Tracking d6, Notice d6+2, Stealth d6, Intimidate d6
Bite, Str + d6
I had a dog in my last game but never even got the chance to use it since the group pretty much vanished in less than a month.