Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[Characters] Call of Duty: Black Ops TV commercial PC#3

The third PC for the Call of Duty: Black Ops TV commercial is the bald concierge with the AK-47! And he's a good concierge, you can tell, even in the middle of a fire-fight, he's willing to take a call and serve a hotel patron.

Savage Worlds:

Concierge with the AK-47 (WC)
Novice + 30 XP = Seasoned
Agility d8 Smarts d8 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d8
Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 7 Charisma -0-

Hindrance: Enemy.

Edge: Brawny, Luck, Great Luck, Level-Headed, Combat Reflexes.

Skills: Shooting d10, Fighting d6, Streetwise d8, Throwing d6, Guts d4, Climbing d4, Intimidation d4.

Equipment: Grey 3-piece business suit, blue tie, leather shoes, name tag, cell phone.
AK-47 (24/48/96, 2d8+1, RoF3, 10#, shots: 30, AP2, Auto), 3 extra magazines.

Microlite20 Modern:

Concierge with the AK-47
STR 15 (+2), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 13 (+1)
Strong Hero, Level 4, HP
White collar background
Melee: +6, Missile: +5
Physical +7*, Subterfuge +6*, Knowledge +7*, Communication +7*
* includes human bonus (+1 to all skill rolls)

Equipment: Grey 3-piece business suit, blue tie, leather shoes, name tag, cell phone.
AK-47 (2d8, RoF S or A, shots: 30 box), 3 extra magazines.


  1. Thanks!

    Did you see the exasperated/annoyed face he had when he was fumbling for his cell phone? It took me a couple of viewings to see it for what it was.


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