Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[Characters] XZ-31f

Infiltrator XZ-31f Terminator ("fembot" model)

Novice + 48 XP (Novice + 9 Advances + 3 XP)
Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 6, Charisma -0-

Infiltrator XZ-31f (Smarts Limitation, Electrical Susceptibility, Wanted/Secret, Clueless, Vengeful, Heartless), Curious [M], Doubting Thomas [m], Quirk [m]

Infiltrator XZ-31f (Construct, Machine Healing, Psionic Immunity, Level-Headed, Attractive, Technosavvy), Luck, Improved Level Headed, Frenzy, Improved Frenzy, Marksman, Trademark Weapon (Fighting), Trademark Weapon (Shooting)

Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Notice d4, Guts d4, Stealth d4, Persuasion d4, Tracking d4, Survival d4, Knowledge (Tactics) d4, Repair d6

The Infiltrator XZ-31 was one of the early model Terminators designed to infiltrate and subvert a human stronghold. The -31f (fembot model) was specifically designed to seduce sentries and guards, gain access to secure locations and "destroy from within." The outer human skin, actually grown from vats, and the inner skeleton and drive train was the top of the line. Unfortunately, in an attempt to make the Infiltrator "more human" a slave human brain was incorporated into the system. The interface between the brain and the onboard computer was faulty, resulting in a lowered intelligence factor.

The machine proved to be able to physically infiltrate quite well into human communities, but the social interaction program was very limited, leading to most of them being discovered by wrong answers to the simplest questions that most humans knew. This "common knowledge" gap, as well as an electrical grounding issue that made them particularly susceptible to electrical damage, lead to the introduction of the Infiltrator YA series within two system cycles, which became the model standard ever after. Several dozen decommissioned XZ-31 models, including an unknown number of -31fs, were lost during a raid 15 system cycles ago by a human resistance group and their current whereabouts and activities are unknown. Many are believed to have been successfully re-programmed and operational in the field.

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