Tiberius Scattergood
Novice + 3 Adv + 20 xp (20xp is unspent).
Agility d10 Smarts d6 Spirit d8 Strength d6 Vigor d6
Pace 6 Parry 4 Toughness 5 Charisma -0-
Edges: Ambidextrous.
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Loyal, Doubting Thomas.
Skills: Boating d6, Fighting d4, Guts d8, Investigation d4, Notice d6, Riding d4, Shooting d10, Survival d4, Taunt d6, Throwing d6.
Long Rifle 15/30/60, RoF 1, 2d8, AP 2, Wt 8, 3 actions to reload.
Pistol 5/10/20, RoF 1, 2d6+1, AP -, Wt 3, 2 actions to reload.
Tomahawk 3/6/12, RoF 1, Str +d6, Wt 2.
Knife 3/6/12, RoF 1, Str + d4, Wt 1.
Tiberius' 3x3
3 Allies: Abraham Hart (merchant), Robert Whipple (Colonial Officer), William Williams (farmer)
3 Contacts: Thomas Rush (Colonial Officer), Joseph Hewes (Slave), Mrs. Arthur Middleton (old
family friend)
3 Enemies/Rivals: Arthur Hopper (self-proclaimed best shot in the colonies), Franklin Huntington (captain of a merchant ship), Oliver Gerry (farmer)
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