Zombie Horses
Agility d8 Spirit d6 Smarts d4 (A) Strength d12 Vigor d10
Pace 8 Parry 6 Toughness 9
Edges: Undead (+2 to recover from shaken, +2 to toughness), Fearless, Fleet-footed, Size +2
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidate d6.
Hoof, Str + d6
Bite, Str + d4
In my Winter War campaign, the Necromancer Lords would reanimate the corpses of beloved, fallen warhorses and send them into battle against the Knights of Iridia. The sight of a loyal mount shambling across the battlefield filled the Knights' hearts with grief that quickly turned to blind rage.
ReplyDelete"Because my cause is just, I fight with the strength of ten."
Common saying among the knights
I love throwing in non-humanoid skeletons and zombies in my games. It really throws my players for a loop when they first encounter them. And that's always good for the game.